PACKAGING FORESIGHT for your business

For over two decades, leading companies have relied on PTIS and Leading Futurists to guide their strategies and programs, through every three year Future of Packaging consortia, and now with our valued global alliance partners, provide insightful Packaging Foresight that you can use to help guide and grow your business.

Contact us to stay ahead of key drivers and trends impacting packaging.

Brian Wagner

Strategic Plan for Packaging

Jan 29, 2023

PTIS is a unique consultancy of packaging leaders who are adept at facilitating strategic plans with packaging material suppliers, converters and contract manufacturers. Our clients especially appreciate our experience working across the value chain, pragmatic approach, ability to visualize data and foresight capabilities.

Maximize Value for Time & Resources

A strategic plan is essential for any company looking to maximize its potential and ensure growth, profitability, and risk mitigation. It  helps to identify clear goals and objectives while providing strategic direction on how to achieve those goals, while also declaring those areas that are not in focus. By implementing a strategic plan, companies can ensure they are getting the highest value from their investments in both time and resources.

With strategic planning, companies can assess their current position and set achievable objectives for future growth. Having a comprehensive plan in place allows decision makers to better prepare for the future by focusing on strategic initiatives that will drive value creation. This is especially important as companies grow from $50 million to $3 billion in revenue: strategic investments become more critical to ensure sustainable growth and profitability.

Mitigate Risk

In addition to strategic growth, strategic planning can also be used as a tool for risk mitigation. We use category foresight to identify potential risks, helping companies better prepare themselves to manage the impact of external factors and develop contingency plans in advance. With strategic planning, businesses can anticipate obstacles and implement solutions that promote resilience and strategic adaptation.

The benefits of strategic planning are three-fold: 1) growth opportunity 2) profitability and 3) mitigation of risk. Companies can leverage strategic initiatives to capitalize on growth opportunities and maximize value creation, while also ensuring that their investments remain profitable. Strategic planning also helps companies identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them, thereby protecting the bottom line.

Develop A Strategic Plan for Packaging

Strategic planning is essential for businesses of all sizes, from small start-ups to large corporations. Strategic plans provide the roadmap and actionable steps needed to capitalize on growth opportunities while managing risk exposure. By leveraging strategic initiatives, companies will drive growth, maximize value creation and ensure their investments remain profitable. With strategic planning in place, businesses are better equipped to anticipate obstacles and develop contingency plans that promote resilience and strategic adaptation. Investing in a strong strategic plan now will pay dividends down the road as your business continues to grow and expand.

Where to start:

  • Conduct an external analysis: Identify those factors that are impacting the business and industry over the next three to five years.
  • Conduct an internal assessment: Identify the organizational areas of strength and differentiation as well as the areas of opportunity to organize against the category or industry needs.
  • Identify an ambition: Set a clear goal of where the organization needs to be for success over a moderate timeframe.
  • Develop the pillars to deliver against the ambition: Create plans to deliver against the ambition that are specific and measurable with activity beginning in 90 days and continuing through the entirety of the plan.

If your company is in need of strategic planning around packaging to drive growth, your first step is to contact the PTIS team.