PACKAGING FORESIGHT for your business

For over two decades, leading companies have relied on PTIS and Leading Futurists to guide their strategies and programs, through every three year Future of Packaging consortia, and now with our valued global alliance partners, provide insightful Packaging Foresight that you can use to help guide and grow your business.

Contact us to stay ahead of key drivers and trends impacting packaging.

Brian Wagner

20 Years of Shaping the Future of Packaging

Apr 3, 2024


In the fast-paced world of consumer goods, packaging isn’t just a box or a bag – it’s the unsung hero, always there to protect our products and push the boundaries of innovation forward. And at the heart of this evolution stands the PTIS Future of Packaging™ (FoP) Program, blazing a trail since its inception in 2004 (with roots dating back to 1998), guiding industry leaders through the twists and turns of change and transformations opening up a world of possibilities.


Foresight From the Beginning

Back in 1998, Michael Richmond, PTIS principal, had a lightbulb moment at a program led by John Mahaffie, a futurist. Fast forward to 2004, and PTIS kicked off the FoP program, inviting a diverse group of 20-30 companies from all corners of the value chain to join the journey. It wasn’t just about slashing costs anymore; packaging became about adding value for consumers and businesses alike, earning itself a spot at the strategic table.

Todd Bukowski, PTIS principal, sums it up perfectly: “[The Future of Packaging] is the only program we know of looking out 10 years,” With three 2-day meetings spread over 9 months, FoP dives deep into everything from societal shifts to technological breakthroughs, using numerous guiding tools, including foresight, STEEP, Scenarios, Cross Impact Analysis and more to map out strategies for the future. The team also brings in subject matter experts in a variety of disciplines from Science and Technology, to Consumer and Omnichannel Insight to AI and more to help identify and project what packaging will look like in the future.

Looking Back at the Future

For a hot topic, sustainability, FoP wasn’t just ahead of the curve; it was carving the path. Back in 2004, the program highlighted the urgent need for sustainability in packaging, sparking initiatives that have since become industry standards. In 2010, the group predicted the rise of emerging markets, a forecast that’s now reality, driving innovation worldwide.

Looking Ahead at the Next Generation: 2035 Future of Packaging

Looking ahead to 2035, the next iteration of FoP promises to be even more transformative. “As we adapt the program we know going forward leveraging the PPEPSIII framework may be more encapsulating,” said Richmond. An acronym for People, Planet, Economical, Political, Social, Innovations, Infrastructure, Information, this model facilitates a deeper understanding of drivers that impact the latest future. The 2035 program will continue to try and lead companies from Bad VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) to Good VUCA (Vision, Understanding, Clarity, Agility)

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Ready to be part of the change? Reach out to PTIS to sponsor FoP! Each company’s representatives will join a group of nearly 50, armed with knowledge, foresight, and a shared commitment to shape the future of packaging for the next decade and beyond. Let’s redefine the Next Generation of Packaging together!

Contact us to learn more about how PTIS can help your company can create value through packaging.